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KeyPoint Services


Welcome to KeyPoint Training! In today’s ever-changing world, one essential factor in retaining top performers and employees is the ongoing opportunity for professional growth and engaged learning. This takes on many forms, but at KeyPoint we truly believe people want to achieve great things…it’s built into the human spirit!


At KeyPoint, we want to help you and your team re-discover passion for your work. Classes and workshops with us help you create a positive workplace culture while investing in your employees, your most valuable resource! Our information is practical, easily retainable and is always presented in a fun, interactive environment.


We offer convenient 1-2 hour training classes, 2-4 hour more extensive courses, and full-day seminars and retreats. If you're not sure what you need, we will conduct a comprehensive needs assessment to help you determine exactly the right fit for your team and your budget. KeyPoint is here to serve you!

Corporate Education
  • Team Building

  • Leadership Training

  • Effective Communication Skills

  • Stress and Change Management

  • Emotional Intelligence Training

  • Confident Public Speaking Skills

  • Working with Difficult Personalities

  • Generational Workplace Challenges

  • Coaching and Mentoring Skills

  • Workplace Culture

  • Conflict Management

  • Managing Multiple Projects 

  • Delegation Skills Training

Professional Speaking


  • Keynote presentations

  • Conference openers and closers

  • Breakout sessions

  • Retreat planning and guest speaking

Coaching & Consulting
  • One on one mentoring service with your employees

  • Counsel and instruction on creating successful training programs

  • Business coaching to help employees reach higher levels of productivity

Anchor 1
Making Connection with YOU!

John easily connects with people through his energetic personality and sense of humor. You and your team will take away practical and easily retainable information while enjoying fresh perspectives on many of the challenges in today's workplace.

Some training sessions we offer:


The Art of Delegation

The world's best leaders are master delegators! One of the most impactful skills  a leader can utilize to create "win-win" relationships with team members is truly understanding how to delegate. Like fine art, delegation must be curated, and handled with care for it to benefit the entire team. In this training, participants will unlock the secrets to freeing up the time they need while empowering others to welcome new responsibilities that will help them maximize their talents and abilities. Target audience is executive leaders and managers.


Building a Strong Team Through the "Not So Obvious"

When it comes to building strong teams, everyone knows it takes work.  That's obvious. Nothing magically happens on its own just because a group of people convene at the office. This interactive class is designed to help participants see the value of the contributions each team member makes to an organization. Too often, employees fail to recognize that our differing skill sets and personalities are the very ingredients needed for a successful team. In this training we will discuss 3 key elements that are crucial to a team's success, but are often overlooked. This training session is targeted to all employees on any professional level.


Powerful Communication Skills for the Workplace

Undoubtedly, effective communication skills require practice. The true hallmark of effective communication is a coherent, collaborative exchange of information that benefits everyone involved. No matter how brilliant your idea, it’s worthless if you can’t communicate it to the people you want to influence. This engaging, participant-driven class will look at the benefits of effective communication by examining active listening techniques, positive and negative feedback, tone of voice, body language and personal communication style. This class is targeted to all employees on any professional level.


State of Mind Leadership

A leader is not defined by how many people report to you or how long you’ve worked at an organization. Earning your title as a leader is significantly different than just managing people. True leadership is a state of mind. Participants in this class will be challenged to explore what it means to be a servant leader who is others-focused. This practical training session has been designed to help managers, supervisors and executive level professionals recognize the opportunity they have to lead and coach their teams in building a workplace culture of respect while increasing productivity. This session is especially beneficial to middle and upper level management.


Communicating Across Generational Lines

We are living in unique times with 5 generations of people now working together. This calls for professionals to learn to adjust their communication style to cross the generational lines. The reality is that most people in their twenties don't think the same way as someone in their sixties. Despite that challenge, there is a place for the Traditionals, the Baby Boomers, the Gen X's, the Millennials and the Gen Z's at the table! A savvy leader will task the right people with the right jobs to thereby foster healthy and productive communication between these groups to create a workplace culture defined by diversity and mutual respect. This training is beneficial to employees at any level.


Stress and Change Management…It’s All About Perspective

Change is inevitable in our world and in the organizations we serve in. Do you find yourself beating your head against the wall trying to get your team to see new perspectives? Although many of us resist change, we often find that when it’s welcomed, we’re able to rise above the mediocrity to achieve the desired outcomes. If your team is struggling with making the changes needed to move your company forward, this class will help your organization see that change, though stressful at times, is actually a gift. This class is perfect for all professional level employees. Often presented in a conference setting.


Customers…Handle with C.A.R.E.

The delivery of superior customer service is usually every organization’s #1 goal… and if it isn’t, it should be! Whether it’s face to face, over the phone or on your web-page, companies should strive for consistent and excellent service. Why? Because research shows that dissatisfied customers remember a poor customer service experience for up to 10 years while telling an average of 18 people about it! Why play with those odds? If your team needs a “tune-up” in delivering extraordinary customer service, then this class is a must. Using the C.A.R.E. model, you will have a framework to set higher standards to deliver superior customer service! This session is designed especially for front-line customer service staff, but is beneficial for upper management as well.


10 Keys to Service Excellence

What does service excellence look like in your organization and how does it play out in everyday interactions with your customers, colleagues and vendors? Shared covenants and mutual commitment to mission and values lay the groundwork for a thriving culture where excellence is paramount.

In this session, 10 keys are offered to help leaders and their teams embrace service excellence principles that are practical, and powerful.  Most often presented as a keynote presentation.


Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence isn't just a "buzz" word out in the training world. It's   been linked to high level leadership positions and is essential in motivating others. Although many managers and supervisors may have some knowledge about Emotional Intelligence, few will say they feel confident in their skill to consistently implement its principles. We're all emotional beings, and when we understand our own emotions, we can skillfully read into the emotions of others. Managing emotions and conflict resolution are discussed and examined in this training session. This information will prove to be beneficial for employees at any professional level.


Training, Supervising and Coaching...Finding Balance

If you're like most leaders, you probably have to wear several hats in your workplace. Responsibility for a team can bring challenges that will take us out of our comfort zones. We need to know how to train our team members well to equip them for success while supervising them, holding them accountable and coaching them to higher levels of productivity all at the same time, That's quite a full plate! The good news is there are proven strategies to help you wear all 3 of these hats successfully to get the job done. This training class is ideal for managers and supervisors overseeing teams of employees.


Confident Public Speaking Skills

Oh no! You've been asked to present at a major corporate event! Or worse have to present to your peers at work. Whatever the case, fear of public speaking should not hold you back from becoming the professional you need to be. This class is designed to help you no matter where you are on the map. Super nervous or seasoned pro, this class will help you craft an informative, engaging, and relevant presentation that is sure to knock it out of the park. Ideal class for employees in marketing, sales, community relations or corporate level management.


Managing Multiple Priorities and Tasks

Do you feel like there just isn't enough time in a day? Is the "to-do" list never seemingly done? KeyPoint offers a 3 hour workshop to help you and your team learn to manage multiple priorities and tasks. This practical training session is specifically designed to help professionals at any level to utilize organizational strategies and tools to be as productive as possible!
Get a handle on the papers, e-mails, meetings and more! Work smarter, not harder! 

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Image by KOBU Agency
Successful Work Team
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